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Find-A-Friend: Help & FAQ

General Find-A-Friend Questions

Q. How does Find-A-Friend work?
Q. Is Find-A-Friend free to use and join?
Q. Can I look for romance on Find-A-Friend? I want a boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife.
Q. I am under 14. Can I use or join?
Q. I am an adult or elderly person. Is Find-A-Friend just for kids?
Q. What should I write in my message?
Q. How many messages can I send?
Q. I have sent a message to someone on Find-A-Friend, but haven't got a reply. Why?
Q. What about my privacy? Will my personal details be made public if I join?
Q. I'm worried about my or my children's safety online. What can I do?

Questions for Members

Q. I have forgotten my login and password!
Q. I have changed email addresses, what should I do?
Q. What happens if I get a message that makes me uncomfortable or is an advertisement?
Q. I joined Find-A-Friend ages ago, but can't find my entry. Why?
Q. Can I delete my Find-A-Friend entry?
Q. Do I have to reply to every message sent to me?

General Find-A-Friend Questions

Q. How does Find-A-Friend work?

A. Find-A-Friend is comprised of people from all around the world who want to make more friends. The easy process is:
1. Search Decide what type of friend you'd like, then search the community in one of two ways:
a. Select the country, age group, gender or keywords you are after, and click 'Search' or
b. Click on a hobby category, and after the next page loads, scroll down to select a hobby sub-category.
2. Display The people who meet your criteria will then be displayed. (If no profiles appear, try widening your search by selecting fewer options). The youngest people will be displayed first on page 1, so make sure to look at other pages for your age group.
3. Choose Read the profiles to choose the person (or people) you'd like to be friends with.
4. Contact Click your chosen friend's underlined name to send them a message. Include a short paragraph about yourself and why you want to be friends with them in particular.
5. Friends! Once they email a reply, your friendship will start!
The best way to learn how to use Find-A-Friend is just to try it out! Later, you may wish to join and have your profile displayed too.

Q. Is Find-A-Friend free to use and join?

A. Yes! Find-A-Friend and The Friendship Page offer all services free of charge. There is no catch. We believe that friendship between members of different countries is important for peace and should be promoted. We rely entirely on voluntary donations by our members. Please click here if you'd like to help out: Make a Donation.

Q. Can I look for romance on Find-A-Friend? I want a boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife.

A. No, sorry you can't. Find-A-Friend is designed for making friendship only, a unique safe place on the internet. If you join or send messages asking for more than friendship, we will delete you from our community and you may be reported. There are many other places on the internet to find romance - please go there instead! :)
That said, if a friendship mutually develops into something else over time, then of course that is your business.

Q. I am under 14. Can I use or join?

A. Yes you can, but only with your parent's permission. People may not always be who they seem on the internet, so it is important that your parents are involved in fun friendships you make online. Please read our Kids Safety Rules too! :)

Q. I am an adult or elderly person. Is Find-A-Friend just for kids?

A. Not at all! Friendship is important for people of all ages and you'll find friends on Find-A-Friend in your age group - we have members right up to 90 years of age from all over the world.

Q. What should I write in my message?

A. Your message is your chance to let the person see you'd be a great friend. Include some information about yourself, your country and your hobbies, but don't make it too long! Make sure you say what you liked about the person's profile and areas you have in common. However, it is safest not to include information that could actually identify you, such as your full name, mailing address, telephone number or school/workplace - see Online Safety Tips for more information.

Q. How many messages can I send?

A. It's up to you, but please don't send more than 7 messages to different people at the same time. Otherwise, you may find you have more quality friendships than you can handle!

Q. I have sent a message to someone on Find-A-Friend, but haven't got a reply. Why?

There may be several reasons. Sometimes you just have to wait a little longer, as the person may not have checked their email recently. Otherwise, they may have received lots of messages and not have time to reply, in which case it might be better to find someone else. Occasionally, the person may have changed email addresses and not told us - so your email will be bounced back to you with an error message. We apologise if this is the case, and ask that you choose another friend to email.

Q. What about my privacy? Will my personal details be made public if I join?

A. No, nothing will be displayed publicly without your consent. Your full name, birthdate and email address are all private. You have the choice whether to reply to emails you get through Find-A-Friend, and only when you do will your new friend see your email address. Importantly, we will never sell or give your details to anyone else.

Q. I'm worried about my or my children's safety online. What can I do?

A. We encourage everyone using Find-A-Friend to first read our Online Safety Tips. In summary, don't reveal details about your real identity in your public Find-A-Friend entry or first email (such as full name or school) and never meet up with someone in person that you found online. If you are a parent, we recommend being involved in all your child's online friendships - just as you would in real life. Remember, it's best to play it safe, but that doesn't mean you can't still make friends. We have had tens of thousands of people using Find-A-Friend and no reported problems - we are a very friendly community! :)

Questions for Members

Q. I have forgotten my login and password!

A. Your login and password were included in your Find-A-Friend joining email. If you can't find your joining email, just visit Forgotten your password? and enter the email address you used to sign up to Find-A-Friend. We will automatically email your login and password to you. If you have changed to a different email address and need your login and password, please visit the Email Change question below.

Q. I have changed email addresses. What do I do?

A. Please login with your login and password and change your email address in your Find-A-Friend entry. Otherwise, messages will not reach you. If you have changed email addresses and can't remember your login and password, please email and include your old email address in the email. We will send your details to you.

Q. What happens if I get a message that makes me uncomfortable or is an advertisement?

A. We do everything possible to ensure that the messages you get are only friendly. However, if you do get a message that is either asking for more than friendship, makes you uncomfortable or is an advertisement, then please let us know straight away. Forward us the message with headers to We will take action against the person. If you do not reply to them then they will not obtain your email address.

Q. I joined Find-A-Friend ages ago, but can't find my entry. Why?

A. Every person joining Find-A-Friend must first confirm their email address. We sent you an email with a link to confirm - did you click the link? If not, please find the email and follow the instructions. If you have already done so, then you may be in the queue waiting to be checked. To ensure that entries are friendship-only, we personally approve every entry before it is displayed, so there is sometimes a delay in appearing on the site - sorry! :)

Q. Can I delete my Find-A-Friend entry?

A. Yes. Just login with your login and password, then scroll down to the end of the page and click "delete listing".

Q. Do I have to reply to every message sent to me?

A. We would prefer that you did, out of courtesy. If you are busy with too many friend emails, then just politely send a reply to new messages saying that you have enough friends for now and asking them to email someone else instead.

If you have a question that isn't answered, please email Admin Kim at Thanks! :)

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'The Friendship Page: Find-A-Friend: Help' © Global Friendship 1996-2006
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Visitor number: since 23 September 2005.